–Day 1 –
One month ago, I was contacted by a school, near Pavia (a few km from Milan) and was asked whether I would accept an intern to work with me for 3 weeks. The young girl, they told me, was fascinated by the personal image consulting career.
At 16? Honestly, I was pretty honored but puzzled as well…
I’d just said no to a couple of older girls, with more experience than this 16 year old one…
My first reaction was to explain that – here there is no schedule – it’s not like a normal corporate or smaller companies world.
“But the girl is highly motivated!” they told me
” I understand, but I am a freelancer, how can I guarantee a continuity? She might be having to work from home, come to my place some times and hope some of my clients accept to have her during the sessions”
“Well, it’s up to you, the girl really cares about it. She is studying as a pattern maker, but she is really appealed by this career”
Deep inside myself something changed: pattern maker! Tailor! technical skills I only have a bit! Maybe I should accept this opportunity
Some days after I got a phone call from her mom, we chatted a bit – they came visit me, got to know each other and I am more and more conviced that the next 3 weeks will be curious and fun!
Today is Day One of this opportunity that just fell onto my head and this sketch just triggerred my fantasy: if the test works out you’ll know it! 😉
Just a few hours after I am pretty conviced this is one of the best choices I’ve ever made and I’ll try to tell you about it in this blog of mine.