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Fashion Philosophy: philosophy and personal image consulting at your service

Maybe yes maybe no.

Philosophy is commonly seen as an impractical subject, not very useful, dated. Today philosophy is one of the most revalued “subjects”, precisely because of its intrinsic power of being a set of principles, ideas, beliefs that help to interpret and define the ways of reasoning and therefore of acting in any fields.

Investigate who we are and why we are.

It is a brilliant subject, considering the amount of inputs that affect our lives on a daily basis and that confront us with continuous doubts about our authenticity, our right to be true to ourselves.
When Valeria Trabattoni, philosopher and counselor of FilosofiaAmica asked me to collaborate on her project that combines fashion and philosophy, I felt honored.

Since the beginning I’ve promoted the interdisciplinary nature of my work, that is the potential of image consulting to get in touch with other ways of approaching life, the world, people … ourselves.

And with this duet, we probably hit the target. I think it’s a bit difficult to understand, at first glance, what can be fun and stimulating in a 3-hour workshop that has philosophy as its protagonist.

But there will be a lot to smile and, a bit to think about. The philosophical practice of asking questions, of investigating our reality, of finding out what there is behind it, will help us to look at ourselves in the mirror in a different way.

On our body, on how it is made, on how it was given to us by nature and on how we act in its favor, there will be so much to say, but only after having understood who we really are, we will be able to find a practical solution and reach the goal we set for ourselves.

It is not a matter of looking taller or thinner, it is neither my desire nor my task to put you on a diet or to point out that if one day you were to come out on the cover of Vogue, that fat roll just isn’t right ( despite the possible rolls may well be erased by technology).

Here we go beyond that! You will work with who you are now,thanks to philosophy and image consulting, a new mirror to reflect on: it will be a way, to help you understand that as you are now, it’s fine and will help you to become what you want to be. Personal image may be a superficial thing, but it is so superficial that it is the first layer that strikes the eye of the beholder: being it your eye in the mirror or that of the person you are going to meet.

Every eye sees what it knows, every eye draws from its infinite database of images and experiences, to assess whether you, as you present yourself, go well or not. It’s not really what you say that can make somebody change their mind or build an impression, it is all about shapes, styles, colors.

It is up to you to decide how you wish to be perceived.

It will be a group workshop, with individual advantages: you will trace your story, your questions, your expectations (thanks to philosophical practice) and together we will dress them (thanks to image consulting). It would be nice to have you with us,

Saturday 6 April in Bergamo, from 3pm to 6pm. Here, on the page that Valeria dedicated to our “duet”, you will find all information and you can write to her, or write to me, to book your seat. If you come with a friend … it will pay off! See you on April 6th!

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